Monday, March 16, 2015

Obama: Active-Negative

President is an active-negative president. He is an active-negative president in his 2nd term of his presidency he has been trying to get as much done as he can possibly do with the time he has left. I read an article in upfront magazine that was questioning whether or not he is a lame duck, which basically means that since Obama is in his 2nd term he has nothing to lose because he can’t get re-elected, and he will pass legislation or use the executive order power that we have seen. An example of this is the executive order that will temporarily shield about 5 million immigrants from deportation and allow them to work legally in the United States. Also he sealed a major climate-change deal with between China and the U.S that will make significant cuts in emissions. He recently re-established diplomatic ties with Cuba for the first time in 50 years. None of these actions required congressional approval. This proves that he is an active-negative president because he has had 8 years to do all of these things however he has waited and now realizes that he is leaving office and finally acted. He does not fit the time period because we needed a president that is strong for his whole term not just portions of it. In 2016 voters will be looking for an active-positive president to be aggressive, work with congress and get things done.

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