Sunday, July 13, 2014

United States Tries to Cut Down Iran's Nuclear Power

 Recently, an Obama administration official said that Iran keeps taking "unworkable and inadequate" positions on its nuclear program. The official also said that since this has been occurring, Iran should have strict limits on producing any nuclear weapons for awhile, at least a decade. However, a speech made by the religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, showed United States officials that the leader is not mentioning these cutbacks to the people of Iran. In fact, Khamenei was talking about a long term plan for a major increase in nuclear capabilities. What he should have said, though, is that Iran needs to cut back on the amount of centrifuges (machines that enrich uranium) in use now. Right now, Iran has about 10,000 running, and 9,000 in their possession that are not completely operating. I posted this event because if Iran keeps making their nuclear weapons more and more powerful without any compliance with the United States to limit their nuclear power, the United States may feel the need to take more action. Eventually, a war could start, and Iran may even use their nuclear weapons against the Unites States and anyone else opposing them. This is what the United States is trying to prevent; officials do not want any one country too powerful in terms of nuclear weapons. However, if too much tension occurs between the two countries, Iran can very likely use their weapons against us. How can the United States stop Iran from taking inadequate steps in its nuclear program, but ease the tensions between the countries involved because of it?

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