Monday, August 18, 2014


Immigrants coming from Central America is a growing concern to many US citizens. People from the Mexico border have been migrating to the US for several years now. However, the numbers have slowly began to increase in the past year. 50, 000 children have arrived in the US in this year alone. They seem to be fleeing their home countries, due to their failed system of government sand unsafe territories, in attempt to build a brighter future. But with these increasing numbers of immigrants, more and more controversy is beginning across the country.  As a new school year is ready to begin, several school teachers and concerned parents are speaking out to the government to give their opinions about newly enrolled immigrant students. Tweets and Facebook posts have been found with diverse arguments towards the topic. Some say we need to focus on our own children before we can go helping and providing for children in different countries. Some even suggest sending these children back due to the chance of new diseases being spread and more economic problems occurring in the US . The suggestions and options the US has for these family and children are endless, but the problem still remains unsolved.

1) Do you think the US is making the correct decision for allowing all these children to come tot the US?
2) Should the United States allow these children to stay here and be educated or send them back o their home countries?
3)What is one pro and con of allowing these children to stay?


  1. It's hard to say whether or not we are making the right decision in allowing illegal immigrant children into the country from the Mexico border. However, if we are to keep allowing them in we can't just leave them to fend for themselves, we have to take full responsibility of them. Although its hard to admit, I do think we need to first worry about our in-country problems instead of adding more problems to our plate. So, we shouldn't kick them out because we let them in already, but I don't think we should allow more illegal children into the country. It just doesn't make any sense. A pro is that if these children learn English and can be properly educated, they could help the economy by adding to the workforce. But, the cons are that first we need to find somewhere to put them, we have to make sure they're fed, and give them education. The problem with this is that it will be extremely expensive and because the country is already in debt, more taxes will have to be taken from actual citizens just to help people that shouldn't have been allowed here in the first place. Another con is that we also have to improve the lives of our own children and now we have to help thousands of others. The U.S. has definitely bitten off much more than it can chew.

  2. I think it’s great that we are helping these women and children seeking refuge in the US, but we just can’t keep doing it. These people are coming here with little to no money and it’s very costly to help all these people. There are plenty of homeless citizens of the US, so it would make sense to help all those people before looking to the aide of foreigners. I do think it’s the right thing to allow these people to come live here, but they have to provide for themselves. On another point, sending these people back would be horrible to do. They all risked so much to get here and it almost seems not fair to send them back. But, if they are truly costing us too much money to keep spending on them this seems like a decent option. One pro of allowing these people to stay in our country is that many of them could end up living good lives and contribute to our country as being taxpayers. One con is that we would need to spend a lot of money on them to keep them from becoming homeless. Overall, I believe these children pose more of a harm to our country and if anything, we shouldn't allow any more to come into our country.

  3. I have mixed feelings about whether or not we are making the right decision. Some pros to this is that if we let them stay, those children are going to be getting a better education and just an overall better life here in the US. A con is that we may, financially, not be able to support all these kids coming over. However, I don't feel that they should be sent back. They should get their legal status first, then we can help. Since these are children that we are talking about, I don't think they should be sent back to their original homes. So, I am very mixed feeling about this whole situation.


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