Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An End To Gerrymandering....by Gerrymandering???

I believe that the best way to create districts that actually reflect the population within the states is to use proportional Gerrymandering. With a bi-partisan committee creating districts it will ensure for high incumbency rates and in the end it's not the people's needs that are being met but rather the representatives' needs. In deciding to use a nonpartisan council the districts may be created in a way that groups together similar ares so that elections are not competitive and the needs of the people are not being met. This is a possible issue or there is always the issue with possible corruption. Not all of the member son the nonpartisan council can be nonpartisan and could be bought one way or the other to secure the race for one party over the other. In allowing district lines to be created through a mathematical formula you completely erase the possibility of human corruption because the computer is not looking at party affiliation more than population and the need for equal representation. That sounds great, however, there is always the possibility that the computer creates districts in which results are inaccurate simply our of bad luck.
The only real solution that can avoid the influence of partisanship and computer error is by hiring a gerrymanderer to work for the people rather than for the parties. It's the best way to avoid disproportional representation and it creates districts that actual reflect the ideals of the population. It is the only option that can really have a human go in using the mathematical algorythm to create districts then allow them to be fine tuned so that there are no issues that could lead to skewed elections.
The bottom example on the right shows the power of a gerrymanderer with good intentions that could create districts in which there are competitive races among candidates and the needs of the people are actually met.
I want close this blog post by saying there is no perfect way to ensure the districts represent the people within in them fairly. I just believe that, theoretically, if the government can acquire someone who believes that drawing districts is an art and make it so that are not corrupted by one side or the other than a fair representation of the people can be achieved.

1 comment:

  1. "It is the only option that can really have a human go in using the mathematical algorythm to create districts then allow them to be fine tuned so that there are no issues that could lead to skewed elections."...ah a compromise! Now you're learning!!

    Also, I love the explanation of the picture


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