Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Independent Redistricting Committee

Looking through many of the other blog posts most people seem to prefer the split-line method or the proportional gerrymandering method. I personally disagree with both of those methods and would prefer an independent redistricting committee. The shortest split line method doesn't take into account other demographic factors and could possibly leave a state with all representatives of one party or another. This would obviously be a problem. Proportional gerrymandering divides people into distinct voting patterns and discourages competition in elections. If an independent committee were to draw district lines to promote competition and make better politicians as a result. The other options can all result in several safe seats that guarantee Congressmen will basically have their seats for life which is what nobody wants. An independent committee wouldn't support on party or the other heavily and could be designed to create competition, which would in theory make better politicians and better policy.  

1 comment:

  1. Picture evidence?

    More development of argument through evidence needed here!


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