Monday, March 16, 2015

Obama Analysis

President Obama started off his presidential career as a type active-positive. He originally showed a positive attitude towards achieving his goals. Just his want to create Obamacare and follow through with his goals. He had a higher self-esteem (shown when he called out Paul Ryan on national television). He used to be more confident in his decisions. I believe that the presidency changed him over time to an active-negative. Obama is no longer emotionally meeting his goals and just trying to get as much passed as possible before the end of his second term. The Republican majority in congress does not want to allow him to get anything done. The trouble with them has worn him down over time and caused his negative change. As his approval rating has dropped as well, he has changed to active-negative. He's still getting things done, but he isn't emotionally doing so. He is also constantly trying to have power (mainly because of the Republican congress), but has trouble maintaining it. I believe that at this time, in the currant political climate an active president is definitely necessary. President Obama definitely meets the active part, but not the character. He needs to have been strong enough to remain active-positive. A president that doesn't emotionally meet their goals isn't right for the political climate. The people have a very low opinion of government and need a postive president to raise that opinion. For 2016, voters would be looking for an active-postive president. This president would be better with dealing with a congress that is against them, and will be able to accomplish more by emotionally meeting his goals. 

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