Sunday, December 7, 2014

Campaign Finance Reform

Based on the article "What's the Future for Campaign Finance Reform?" by Azmat Khan, and the documentary "Big Sky, Big Money", I do believe that America needs further campaign reform.  Campaign finance reform would be very beneficial.  The laws put in place like BCRA, FECA, and the Corrupt Practices Act were all great milestones towards more healthy campaign financing.  However, I think that the country has taken a step backwards in allowing such shady things to happen, like the usage of 501(c)(4)s and the numerous loopholes in candidate's relationships with Super-PACs.  The finances have lots of exceptions, in that "money is like water, it will always find a leak."  Because of this, even with the laws in place, there are always loopholes and the possibility of groups basically buying their political influence, or investing their money in campaigns instead of simply donating.  This, and a lot of other factors, make campaign finance reform very shady business.  501(c)(4)s and Super-PACs are great causes of corruption in campaign finance.  Many argue that the people should be able to know where the money came from.  In other words, the money should be traceable by the FEC.  However, 501(c)(4)s are completely private and untraceable, and can use an unlimited amount of money.  These groups need to be restricted because although they claim to be "social welfare" groups, they really just use conniving ways to beat up on candidates without making it sound like they are.  This is an  example of how money found the leak.  There are always exceptions to the restrictions given on finance with campaigns.  If this continues, the wealthy will continue to have an unwanted influence on our politics.  Therefore, campaign finance reform is needed so that we can produce a more fair way of campaigning so that money is no longer to driving force of our politics.

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