Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What makes a campaign ad effective?

There are four main categories that help one decide whether or not an ad is effective; emotion, persuasion, truth and style. I agree with Julia that emotion is the most important factor of a campaign ad. People remember the way certain things make them feel and these messages stick with them. I also agree with Zach's analysis of the "Daisy Girl" ad we viewed in class. "Daisy Girl" exhibited a little girl counting the petals on a flower and then relating her counting to the countdown of a nuclear explosion. This ad was very controversial and people still remember it today because of the emotional impact it had on them.Even an ad that lacks in style or truth, but evokes strong emotion from the  viewer is still very effective.It is arguable that persuasion is the most important criteria for an ad, but I disagree. I believe every  ad's goal is to persuade the viewer to believe what the ad presents to them so it should not be considered its own category. Candidates use style, emotion, and truth in an ad to persuade the viewer.  Aside from emotion, I believe truth is the next most important factor because ads are mainly about the content. It is always a plus if an ad looks and sounds nice, but if the reader is not emotionally moved or is not presented with specific facts that will help influence their vote, the ad is not very effective. The ad I have found is an attack ad from Bush's campaign in the 2004 election against John Kerry. This ad presents a very clear topic (Kerry's service in the military) and then backs the claims up with real accounts. This ad is also strong in the emotional category because it is shocking and attaches strong negative emotions directly to John Kerry's image. The style of this ad is also nice because the images shown relate to the topic and are interesting photos.


  1. Excellent analysis on the role of persuasion...does it deserve its own category just for measurement's sake though?

  2. I do not think it should have its very own category in the chart we were using to rate the effectiveness of an ad. Instead, it should be more of a total category that averages the three other categories (emotion, style, and truth) since it is more of an overall goal attempted to be reached by every campaign ad.


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