Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What Makes a Campaign Ad Effective?

I agree with Kevin in saying that an influential ad incorporates all the key aspects.  The key components in an ad are emotion, persuasion. truth, and style.  Each factor grabs the views attention, and connects them to an ad in different ways.  By creating a combination of these key factors a candidate will defiantly have a memorable ad.  Even if an ad is lacking in one topic, its connection throughout the others can make up for it.  An ad that receives a "4" in emotion and persuasion most likely was very influential and will stick with people, even if it lacked some truth and style.  For example, "Prouder, Stronger, Better"  by Reagan in 1984 would have received a "4" in emotion and persuasion.  It did a good job connecting to people and trying to make them happy.  It tried to persuade people that Reagan could give them this perfect life and all they would have to do is vote for him.  Reagan made it an offer nobody could say no to.  This ad relied heavily on emotion and persuasion and how they complimented each other.  This ad had style through emotion and persuasion, but it wasn't very strong.  However, this ad had almost no truth to it.  Even though it lacked truth and style it was still a very effective ad.  Overall, an ad that combines almost all of the elements is guaranteed to be memorable and beneficial in the voting booths.          

1 comment:

  1. "Reagan made it an offer nobody could say no to."...excellent!


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