Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What Makes a Campaign Ad Effective?

I agree with Ethan that the most important of a campaign ad is the emotional aspect of it. Most of the time when you hit the emotional aspect of the ad, most of the dominoes will fall after that. If you have the emotional part of the ad, then usually you will have the persuasive part of the ad down because to be persuasive you need to trigger something in the emotions to get someone to be believe something that you are saying. It also reveals truth because once someone persuades you on a subject, it often becomes fact and you believe it's Someone who was very good at hitting most of these components was George Bush Jr., he hit the emotions, but at the same time also achieved, in my opinion, a four in both persuasiveness and the truth. It was in the video "Sellout", it kind of makes you angry that a candidate who was running to be the leader of the free world and he would lie about how he got his Purple Heart and his Bronze Heart. Also, that a potential President of the United States was not reliable , while he was serving his country. This video was very persuasive because there was several sources who I would say are reliable since multiple people said it. It also made me believe in the cause Bush was trying to relay. This made be think that Kerry was unreliable and is not fit to be the POTUS. This advertisement also made me in the way that someone would lie about their service in the Armed Services. There is not much style, but it is memorable, if I were going to vote on Election Day that would stick in my head when I was entering the booth to vote. I would give it a 14/16, three for emotion and style and four for persuasion and truth.

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