After reading the
article "What's the Future for Campaign Finance Reform" and watching
the "Big Sky, Big Money" documentary I think hat campaign finance
reform is absolutely necessary to prevent the immense amount of corruption that
invades our political campaigns today. A major supporting detail from the
document that stuck out to me was that the Judge Paul Newby had $2.5 million
dollars from outside groups while his opponent has $200,000. This statistic
blows my mind. In what world is that fair? Apparently the one we live in today.
Clearly there is a problem that needs to be fixed. Also, that is only one
example. There are so many other problems like the use of major corporations,
independently wealthy people, and unions. They can all easily find a way to donate
any amount using 501(c)(4)s and super PACs. With all of this money from outside
groups, candidates will be voting and focusing on issues that these small
groups want, verses hat the majority of people might want to focus on. A
constitutional amendment would ideally be the best choice to fix the problem
but currently I feel like getting one passed and agreeing on a perfect law
unrealistic. Lessig’s idea of the voucher system with the government giving
citizens refundable tax credits to donate to candidates is a really good idea.
I think that this is a more reasonable approach that will not only help fix the
problem at hand but also encourage more political involvement and hopefully
result in people thinking the political campaign process is less corrupt,
leading to higher political efficacy and involvement. Another possibility is
that candidates may not need to rely on money from outside groups then, they
will get a lot of money just from ordinary people. That would allow for them to
focus on the wants and needs of “the broader population, rather than small
wealthy groups”. This plan also allows people maybe who don’t have much extra
money to contribute to have a voce. Money equals speech. This plan is giving
everyone speech.
Reform = better efficacy...well said!